Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Today Kevin & I went to church in Newport at the church we went to as little kids ~ it was really neat to walk in and see things THE SAME! Everything looked the same except for the number of people in the congregation. I can remember Sunday School when we were little and having children's Church in the room off to the side. We had Christmas plays and did little choir performances. Then, when we hit teenager stage, we all sat on the back row and passed notes and got in trouble! :-)
There were a few people there that I recognized. I am HORRIBLE with names but can almost always remember a face. Kevin worked the room the minute we walked in ~ this is where he & I are WAY different! I would have walked in and quietly sat down and just observed people. I wouldn't have dared to walk up to anyone b/c I would be sure they wouldn't remember me. Kevin walks straight up to people and shakes their hands and introduces himself and strikes up a conversation. I admire people that can do that b/c I just can't!!! Now get me in a room with friends or family and I don't shut-up! ha! By the time Kevin was finished, we ended up getting announced as guests by the preacher before the service started! (Of course the biggest difference b/t years ago when we went and today ~ there were only 27 people in the church total!!) It was kind of sad b/c all the energy was gone. There wasn't a need for children's church b/c there weren't any kids! But, it was neat to go back in time for a bit today!!! (and of course, see Kevin!!)