Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This and That...

Nothing very exciting to report this week but some regular 'ole life this and that stuff! I will say (knock on wood) that my kids at school are now going on week 2 of good behavior!!!!! I am loving every minute of it! And....crazy Mom from about 2 weeks ago, showed up today and was sane! She went to the office first and just came to my room with paperwork. So, all is good there! (Sigh of relief!!)
My doggie crisis continues with my high maintence boxer! He is still peeing in the house and the vet has cleared him of anything medically wrong. We are thinking he has separation anxiety now that his best buddy is gone. Yep, only I could have a dog that needs doggie prozac! LOL! Sometimes you gotta laugh! :-) Just ask Kevin ~ His fork-lift broke down today, and he had to be a human fork-lift!!! Yikes!
Scrapbook night with the girls is this week, and I am ready to scrap!! We are doing a two-day scrap PJ fest this time! Friday night and Saturday! We are so dangerous!! Ha! If you feel your ears burnin', we might be talkin' about you! (only the good of course!!)
Ok - gotta go! I have my fav neighborhood kids over here wanting my computer for I-tunes! (They burn good mixes and keep me hip ~ so OK, they can have it!)