Monday, January 08, 2007

Back to Reality

I didn't win the lottery Saturday night, so back to work I had to go this morning!! That alarm clock was a sound I wasn't looking forward to at all!! I had some serious Monday mornin' blues after being off for over 2 weeks ~ a girl can spoiled in that amount of time (or lazy! ha!)
I felt a little bad for my lack of enthusiam after reading some of my kid's journals today. (Although, I do admit to being happy to see them once I got there!) Here are two of the journals from today that made me go awwww....and get a little sappy!
This one is from one of my boys!! Shocker!! Ha! "You are the best teacher in the whole world. Thank you God for Ms. J" from Keith. If that isn't a welcome back to work, I don't know what is! Made me forget all about that blaring alarm this morning!
Here's the other one from one of my girls: "Today I will do a poem. Roses are red. Violets are blue. I love you so much. You are a good teacher too!" hee-hee! Now I got excited about this because we were studying poetry before we left for Christmas. Someone was listening!! ha! I love it!
Here's hoping for a good week & getting back on a routine!
oh, and today marks one month without smoking!!!!! YIPPEE!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the on your 1 month anniversary of not smoking...I really think you have it licked now!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the on your 1 month anniversary of not smoking...I really think you have it licked now!

Lindsay said...

YAY! Iam so proud of you!!!
gold star for you!