Monday, January 29, 2007

It's Monday so soon?

How does the weekend always go so fast, and the work week is so slow??? It was hard to get up this morning ~ so COLD!!! But, maybe this week will bring that much need "No school snow day!!" The chances keep going up everytime I watch the news. Teachers are just like kids when it comes to snow days! There is nothing better than waking up and seeing your school's name scroll across the bottom of the screen as CANCELLED!! and going back to bed! An unexpected day off! It could happen!!! hee-hee! You better believe my 3rd graders will be doing a snow dance on Wednesday! :-)
I had a great weekend! My scrappin' buddies came over Friday, and we ate, scrapped, giggled, and girl-talked. Then we stopped for the night about midnight (early for us), and came back on Saturday for more! We ended up starting about 11am and scrappin' until 6pm or so. Don't hate me, but I got completely caught up!!!! My 2006 album is finished ~ Christmas and all! It weighes a ton! It really is too thick, but oh well! I will be dangerous if I ever have kids! My albums are huge without them!!! yikes! Anyway - now I get to start working on all the old albums my Mom gave me of hers. I am going to get all the old pictures out of those magnetic albums (b/c those will eventually ruin your pictures!) There are some awesome old family photos in there! I am looking for a scanner at the moment (actually have one picked out and am watching for it to go on sale!). Then, look out, because some of these pictures will be posted on here!!
Ok - going to catch up on some tivo! I have the worst headache tonight ~ it was screaming kid night at TaMolly's! ha! How about Grey's Anatomy last week?????


Anonymous said...

I think Preston is out on Grey's!! I think his woman isn't going to accept his proposal. What do you think?

Lori said...

I'm thinking you are right!! He seems to be on his way out! As long as McDreamy stays, I'm good! :-)
I don't know about George and his woman...they don't seem to match to me????

Anonymous said...

I totally don't watch Grey's. EVERYONE else does, I just can't get into it. It bums me out!

So impressed with your scrappin'. I think that is cute you call it that. There in NO way I could do it. I think I am creative, but I just get SO addicted and then I would not do anything else.