Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

13 Things that Annoy me...
(I have PMS! Hence this 13 post! ha!)
1. People who drive slow in the fast lane ~ move over already!!
2. Smacking!! URGH!
3. People who blow their nose at the table! Gross!
4. Borrowing stuff and not returning it!
5. Cell phones during movies ~ turn them off!
6. Telemarketers
7. Unnecessary rudeness ~ Wal-Mart seems to be the best place to experience this!!
8. People who say they are going to do something and then don't!
9. Dial-up ~ so glad I got rid of that! I can't stand being on the computer at Mom's house! (She can't help it ~ they live in the sticks!)
10. Loud talkers
11. Long lines ~ and I always pick the worst line! ha!
12. Talking with a mouth full of food ~ yuck!
13. People who always think they are right!! (especially if they usually are! ha!)


Anonymous said...

A great list! I especially agree with the smacking and people talking with a mouth full of food.. these annoy me more than anything at all.

I love the colors on your blog! Very happy and summery!

Thanks for stopping by my Thursday Thirteen earlier!!

Lindsey said...

Great!! Yes to all of them!

Anonymous said...

Boy! I'm glad you didn't name any names in here!