Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

13 of my favorite things:
1. Dr. Pepper (best with Sonic ice of course!!)
2. boxers (the dog)
3. my flat iron (hate my hair without it!)
4. gift cards!! (best idea - love 'em at Christmas!!)
5. my camera (Kodak Easyshare Z740)
6. my cell phone (what did we do before those?)
7. bubble bath
8. down home southern cookin' (yum!)
9. tivo (LOVE it!!!)
10. peanut M&M's
11. Sugarland CD's (just puts me in an "up" mood)
12. automatic cat box (best invention ever!!)
13. comfy Levi's


Jane said...

WOW, I'm first! I always liked Dr. Pepper too. I am not drinking many carbonated drinks anymore...I am trying to be more healthy (I cheat sometimes though!!!).
Thanks for stopping by my T13. I reckon it did my heart good!

Anonymous said...

Nice TT. Thanks for the comment you means alot to hear others opinions.

Lindsay said...

I love all of your fav's!!
most of all TIVO!
I tagged you for a meme :)