Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things I love about February!!
1. It's my birthday month!! (8th)
2. Valentine's Day - even the kiddo's are nice to the teacher that day!
3. It usually snows!! (hee-hee! It is right now!!)
4. It's a short month...
5. ...which means, Spring is here before ya know it!
6. Trip to Hot Springs is usually fit in (for my b-day!)
8. Chocolate is everywhere!!!! (teachers get LOTS of chocolate on Valentine's Day!)
9. Valentine Cards - awww!
10. Horse races
11. I am that much closer to Spring Break! ha!
12. Love is in the air...(for at least one day anyway)
13. Did I mention my birthday???


Mia said...

Happy B-day!!!! It is a great month.

Happy TT!

Nicole said...

Oh my word. Your posts are not updating on my bloglines. I wonder why. Anyway-great Thursday 13! My birthday month is the BEST!! Isn't it sad that birthdays are still fun to me and I am over 30! Hee Hee!