Thursday, March 01, 2007

My Final Thursday Thirteen...

Thursday Thirteen has come to an end. Not sure why since so many bloggers participated, but it did. you will either get a Wordless Wednesday from me or a Friday Favorites! I know you are all on the edge of your seats waiting for me to decide! LOL! Anyway...for my final Thursday Thirteen:
13 Things I have learned about Alcoholism:
1. It is a lifetime disease.
2. AA is the best hope for recovery & relapses will happen.
3. There is a support group for family & friends too called Al-Anon.
4. Alcoholics must be 'on guard' for the rest of their lives - one drink could send them straight back.
5. They tend to drink vodka so there is no smell.
6. There is a deep sense of shame & guilt they carry for the lies they tell to cover the disease.
7. There is no cure.
8. It is not a hopeless condition if recognized and treated.
9. Alcoholics drink because they think they have to use alcohol as a crutch or escape.
10. People die from alcoholism.
11. Alcoholism is a family disease - it affects everyone around them.
12. Alcoholism often runs in the family.
13. No one causes the alcoholic to drink.
*A side note: The outpouring of support from my close friends and family when Kevin relapsed in December is not forgotten & I appreciate all of your prayers and thoughts and phone calls and emails and support!!! He has just made it past 60 days sober & doing great!!


Anonymous said...

I have alcoholics on both sides of my family, I have been blessed with not beind affected by it. My parents were though, as they both had parents that suffered with it. It's a hard disease.

Lindsey said...

I hadn't happened upon your blog back in December, but I sure send my support now and prayers that that 60 days grows and grows!