Monday, February 26, 2007

Yada, Yada...

I feel a little ramblin' coming on! ha! It's Monday & I had a yucky meeting after work! Those are the worst! But, I won't go into all that! The exciting news for the day from school is that the police had to be called first thing this morning b/c two PARENTS got into an "altercation" aka fight in front of the office! Hee-hee! It really is comical now - how do we expect the kids to behave when this is how the parents behave!

In doggie door news (only exciting to me I know! ha!) - Jax used the doggie door all by himself this afternoon! He finally figured out he can push that flap open. Of course, I'm still having to call him through, but I'm not holding the flap open! yay!

Scrappin' Friday night was a blast as always!!! I am working on taking all my Mom's pictures out of those old magnetic albums. The stuff you have to use to get those pictures out is called "un-do". Well, after four hours or so of smelling that stuff, I think we were all a little loopy!! I didn't realize how strong it was until I left to get a second bottle and came back in - woe!'s no wonder we were all giggling and singing by the end of the night! ha! And, I still have about 5 albums to "un-do"!!

These old childhood pictures are taking me back though - good memories - the stuff you forget until the picture jogs your mind! It's been great. I'll post a few of me and my Bubby! The first one was us being goofy with Bear - our first boxer & the next one was Bear as a puppy with my Bubby. We loved that dog!! He went everywhere with us! On the last one - look at how times have changed! We got those tv's with the turn dials (black and white too I think) and no remote control & were excited!!! We were going to have tv's in our room's - a big deal back in the day!

I wasn't able to pick up my camper Sunday after all. That crazy storm that came through turned the ground into mush! I was sinking in just walking in my backyard. The camper is parked in my aunt's backyard, so you can imagine what a car would do to her yard right now! I knew Saturday night when I sunk in to the top of my shoes that there was no camper pick up happenin'!! So - we pushed it to another weekend...

Ok - I have put off working on my master's project long enough. This is the perfect night to finish it b/c for some reason there is nothing on tv!! Why are all the shows repeats this week???


Anonymous said...

I am loving all the old pics, you guys were (and still are) so cute!

Anonymous said...

Look at those old tv's!! Too funny. I love looking at old pics! Glad your dog figured out the doggie door! How funny.

Oh yeah, I know what you mean about parents. I have a friend who's always cussing at her kids, and then she wonders why they cuss at school! Hello!!

Nicole said...

I can't believe parents are going at it! That is insane!!

I loved the old pictures. Too cute!