Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

13 Things I want in a relationship:
(in honor of Valentine's Day!)
1. a best friend ~ someone you can tell anything to and feel safe
2. laughter ~ a MUST!!
3. Trust ~ so hard to recover from once it's lost
4. loyalty ~ some have said I am loyal to a fault!
5. enjoy each other's company ~ if it's torture to do something together, call it quits now!
6. not afraid to share feelings ~ I willingly admit that I am improving on this one myself!
7. supportive ~ I want to feel that my significant other has always got my back and I have his.
8. comfort ~ at the end of the day, this is who you want to see standing in the kitchen
9. love ~ this one stands alone
10. respect ~ in the way you treat each other, talk to each other, look at each other
11. family first ~ family comes first, job and all the other bs comes after
12. honesty ~ lies will destroy a relationship faster than anything ~ they just tend to build
13. FUN! You gotta have fun together!!!


Lindsey said...

A list to LIVE and LOVE by!

Living to Love said...

Right On!

Lindsay said...

NEVER forget any of those!!!