Thursday, February 22, 2007

Almost the weekend!!!

I have started to live for the weekends!!! I guess we all do! But this year, my kids are exhausting!! ha! I found out my child that gives me the most grief that was sent to alternative school for 45 days - got suspended from alternative school!!! Give me a break! (Well, I guess they kind of are! LOL!)
Anyway - here's what I'm looking forward to this weekend:
*Friday night is scrap night!! yippee!! A girls night, good food, good conversation, and you get your scrappin' done at the same time! :-)
*Saturday Alan (the ex-hubby, who by the way, if you have to have an ex-hubby, he is the best one to have!) is coming over to help me install a doggie door for Jax and Simba. This is my first experience with a doggie door, but Jax is gettin' old and can't hold his business all day anymore. I plan on keeping it locked at night so the oppossum's don't try to come in and sleep with us! yuck! I figure the cat is going to enjoy this more than Jax - he constantly wants in the backyard! I just hope this spring when he goes lizard hunting, he doesn't bring them inside....ok...I am going to type myself right out of this doggie door idea! ha!
*Sunday I am hoping to try to pick up my camper!!!!! I am sooooo excited! I just have to have a few things fall into place & I'll have her home this weekend! yay!
Have a good one everyone!!


Lindsay said...

You got a Camper???
that is awesome!
You will have to meet us sometime to go camping, it would be a blast!

Let me know about the doggie door, i would LOVE to have one but I am afraid taht my cats will get out.