Thursday, February 08, 2007

Thursday Thirteen!!

13 Things I cannot live without:
(some are highly exaggerated ~ of course!!)
1. my rotten doggie ~ Jax
2. Dr. Pepper (I've started needing one first thing in the morning!)
3. my DVR (I never watch my shows the night they actually come on anymore!)
4. heated seats (I would really be sad if I had to give up heated seats in my car!! LOVE 'em!)
5. hugs (doesn't a good hug just make your day?)
6. my cleaning lady!! (I love coming home from a day at work to a clean house! And, bonus, my cleaning lady loves my critters!!)
7. my cell phone (have you ever just ran a quick errand and left it behind at home and panicked? ha!)
8. email (& now blogging too! I'm not sure how that happened, but it did!)
9. my ceramic flat-iron (I can't stand my hair unless I use it ~ of course, then sometimes I complain b/c my hair is flat! hee-hee! well duh!)
10. kisses
11. chocolate (yummmm!)
12. PJ pants (love 'em!)
13. scrapbooks!!! (you knew that would be in here somewhere!)
**My birthday wish today is that my kiddo's at school are GOOD ALL DAY! Cross your fingers and toes! LOL!


Anonymous said...

On the anniversary of your 29th birthday.....

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Lori, Happy Birthday to you!

Pretend like I sang that in a really nice voice and have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Kayce asked me last night how old you were going to be and I told her 29 - she said that was just impossible since you were only 19 last year! Oops!

Nicole said...

OK. I am envious of 2 of these. DVR AND your cleaning lady. I want a cleaning lady SO bad, AND one that does laundry! Wouldn't that rock??? Great list.

Anonymous said...

Great TT! I could totally go for a Dr Pepper right now! Yum!!

I love you blog temp!! So cute!!!

Lindsay said...

LOVE chocolate
LOVE this list!