Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Too much work & not enough play!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Yada, Yada...
In doggie door news (only exciting to me I know! ha!) - Jax used the doggie door all by himself this afternoon! He finally figured out he can push that flap open. Of course, I'm still having to call him

Scrappin' Friday night was a blast as always!!! I am working on taking all my Mom's pictures out of those old magnetic albums. The stuff you have to use to get those pictures out is called "un-do". Well, after four hours or so of smelling that stuff, I think we were all a little loopy!! I didn't realize how strong it was until I left to get a second bottle and came back in - woe!'s no wonder we were all giggling and

These old childhood pictures are taking me back though - good memories - the stuff you forget until the picture jogs your mind! It's been great. I'll post a few of me and my Bubby! The first one was us being goofy with Bear - our first boxer & the next one was Bear as a puppy with my Bubby. We loved that dog!! He went everywhere with us! On the last one -

I wasn't able to pick up my camper Sunday after all. That crazy storm that came through turned the ground into mush! I was sinking in just walking in my backyard. The camper is parked in my aunt's backyard, so you can imagine what a car would do to her yard right now! I knew Saturday night when I sunk in to the top of my shoes that there was no camper pick up happenin'!! So - we pushed it to another weekend...
Ok - I have put off working on my master's project long enough. This is the perfect night to finish it b/c for some reason there is nothing on tv!! Why are all the shows repeats this week???
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Our New Doggie Door!!!

Friday, February 23, 2007
Question of the Day or TGIF!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Almost the weekend!!!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Thursday Thirteen
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
I've got my baby back!!!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Home Alone (Funny story)
Last night, around 2:30 am, I woke up to a noise. No big deal I tell myself - go back to sleep. Then a louder noise that sends the cats bolt upright and running for cover!! They are nowhere to be found (some protection they are! ha!). So, I get up and think "what do I do?" I can hear that it is either in the backyard or at the side of the house. I debate calling my neighbors and think, "No, I can handle this." My Dad gave me a pistol a while back, so I got it out and ...(if there were video cameras to catch me sneaking down my hallway with my pistol - LOL! What a sight!) Keep in mind I am still half asleep (and now that you know I have a gun and that is what I grab when scared and half asleep - don't try to pull any pranks on me in the middle of the night!) So here I am & I think I need my cell phone (b/c Oprah said to have it by the bedside b/c the crazies will cut your phone lines - so WHY was it on the kitchen table??) I run to the table - run, not walk b/c I had to go past an open window - ha! (and yes, my gun was on safety this whole time Mom!) Then I flip on the deck light and run back to the hallway. Cats are still hidden & the noise temperarily stopped. I call Kevin on my cell phone - now WHAT can he do 3 hours away? No worries - he never even heard the phone! Men! ha! Then the noise starts up again & I think I have now had time to wake up a bit more b/c I think to myself, "I know that sound!! That is the sound that Rocky's bone used to make on the backdeck when he was chewing on it!" Then it hits me that it MUST be a critter of some sort on the back deck! Sure enough, a BIG, nasty oppossum was dragging a dog bone across the deck and having a good time!

So - I went back to bed. I figured as long as I could hear that dog bone on the deck, nothing was scaring the opossum - which meant there were no boogie men in the backyard! LOL!
And that's my laugh at myself for the day! :-)
In reply to...

...Flip Flop Mamma's post about tat's! (If you haven't checked out her blog, you should!! Look under What I Read.)
Here is my one & only tattoo (much to my Mother's disappointment!) It is on the inside of my right ankle, & I just discovered it isn't easy to get a photo of it by myself! ha! I got it as a gift for my 23rd birthday from the "bad boy" I was dating at the time that later became my hubby. (NOTE: Any young girls reading this - Don't marry the bad boys! Just date 'em! They don't really like the married life! Trust me! ha!) Anyway - I have zero regrets about getting one, but doubt I'd be brave enough to get another one!! It was painful! I think the waiting room cleared out by the time I was done yelling & I just about squeezed my girlfriend's hand off that went with me!! I orginally wanted it at the top of my bikini line - LOL! - back then, I could wear a bikini - NOT ANYMORE! But, I thought if I ever got pregnant and it stretched, that wouldn't be pretty at all! LOL! So - that is the story of my one and only tattoo!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Pity Party
Let me start by saying that I know I am sometimes over the top about my critters. But my "fur kids" ARE my kids until I am at a place in life where I can have those two-legged kids that everyone says brings you so much joy! (we'll save those issues for another day b/c little babies scare me to death!) fur kids have been with me for a long time now. The cats (Simba & Nala) are 10 & Jax is 9. Rocky would've been 9 in January, but you know I lost him in October to that ugly nerve disease. That is what makes Jax being so sick lately so hard. I'm afraid I'm going to lose both my boys right here together. I think maybe I am overly protective of these two dogs because they have gotten me through so much in my life. They were my company through my marriage (everyone knows that my ex & I have totally different lifestyles, so I was home alone alot), but my boys were always there to keep me company. And they were there with their heads in my lap during the divorce when I sat on the back deck crying because we had just sold our house. On those days in the year after the divorce when I was so depressed, they were there right beside me everyday. There were times when Rocky would ram his big 'ole rottie chest into the mattress over and over until he made me get out of bed and face the day! (I miss that dog!) They got me through that first year of the divorce - no doubt about it! So, yes, I spoil my pets. Yes, I call them family. Yes, I still cry over Rocky's death and having to put my best friend to sleep. Yes, they are more than just dogs to me!
And now, I am sad because Jax has had to spend the whole weekend at the vet getting IV fluids because he has pancreatitis. For those who asked what pancreatitis was go here: In the past four months, Rocky has gotten suddenly sick & died, Jax had a major surgery for a ruptured ACL shortly after, in recent weeks he has had two bladder infections and now this! They say when they've grown up together and you lose one, shortly after, you lose the other. That is what worries me!!
Really I am just having a good 'ole pity party because I hate being at home without my dogs & I still miss Rocky. I cried myself to sleep Friday night. Then Saturday after I finished all my work, I thought, I can sit here and worry about Jax in this "empty" house (b/c you know cats don't count! ha!), or I can do something about it. So, I went to Rector to see Kevin! And, I instantly felt better ~ he has that affect on me! :-) Now, I'm thinkin', maybe I just have PMS or something because I really don't normally cry alot & on the way home tonight, I cried twice! Since Friday, I have cried leaving Jax at the vet, cried over Grey's Anatomy (I can't watch on Thursday b/c I have class), cried over Rocky, cried over a movie (Radio), and cried on the way home again over the dogs. Hormones??? Stress??? I don't know, but sometimes it's just hard to be a woman! Thank goodness this Friday is scrap night! (If anyone is still reading this - I'm impressed!)
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Feel the love...for one more day! :-)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Thursday Thirteen
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Then & Now....

Sunday, February 11, 2007
It's official!
Friday, February 09, 2007
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Great Day!!
Thursday Thirteen!!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Made it to the middle of the week!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Me & Austin ~ I adore him!! :-)
Me & Kevin
Kevin's Grandmother with all her grandkids!
This weekend, I went to see Kevin (big surprise ~ ha!) & his grandmother had her 80th birthday party on Sunday. She had a great turn out! Funny part is that I ran into distant family there too ~ just part of us both coming from such a small town! My great-grandmother's sister was there. I guess I shouldn't be surprised because Kevin's Grandmother told us over Thanksgiving that she used to pick cotton with my Great-Grandmother. (pretty neat - huh?) Anyway ~ it was one of those times that you recognize someone and you know you are related to them, but can't remember how!! ha! Kevin's aunt and Uncle helped us figure it out. At first his aunt was worried we (me & Kevin) might be related!! We aren't (well I think somehow down the line we ARE, but by marriage so we are safe! ha!) Of course, some would argue, we are from Arkansas, so....
Monday, February 05, 2007
Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
I love snow pictures!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007
My NW Arkansas Family All Snowed In!!