Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Things I don't understand...

...why we as women cry sometimes but we don't know why we are crying and can't stop!
...people give their unsolicited opinion when they know it is only going to hurt the person they are giving it to.
...all contractors show their butt cracks when they are working. What is the deal with that? Is it a job requirement? ha!
...People that drive slow until you try to pass them and then they speed up. some people can take a little thing and completely blow it out of proportion.
...parents who neglect their children! the weekends FLY by and the work week is so long!
...why it is so hard to talk about the Bible with those you are unsure of their faith but so easy with those you know share your beliefs.
...why our pets can't live longer. anyone could think that Mr. Pibb could ever be substituted for Dr. Pepper! HELLO?


Trina said...

I love that list! I have to say that some of them I laughed out loud and I dont know how appropriate that was since I am not at Seriously, I have some of the same questions!! ROFL

L said...

Some good ones here - especially love the last one! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Okay, Miss Thing! I know that last one was aimed right at me -- but I don't care, because I like them both so nyahhhhh!! Great list!