Sunday, January 18, 2009

Spring Class

Here's the skinny on my master's class this spring ~
I had my first class this weekend and considering I am getting my Master's in Library Media, I thought it was kind of funny that this is the first class I've actually had IN the library!! (and I'm almost finished!) I'm not going to lie to you - it's a LONG day, but luckily instead of 8 am to 4 pm. The professor is cutting it back to 9 am to 3 pm....every little bit helps!
In my master's classes, most of the students are my age (mid-30's) or forever 29, however you want to look at it! ha! Well, this semester there are two girls in the class who apparently decided to get their master's straight after finishing their bachelor's. So, we had to look at two stylish hottie's in their twenties all day and wonder when WE all got old!! And of course, by the end of the day, there was that ONE classmate who got on everyone's nerves!! It is amazing how there is always ONE who won't shut-up, knows everything, and asks too many questions when everyone is ready to leave. She may not survive the semester! LOL!
Work wise ~ I think this class is going to be a good class. The professor started off by saying he knew we all had full-time jobs and a life outside of his class. Very good sign!! :-) Now, 5 more Saturday's, 4 small assignments, 2 big assignments, 4 quizzes, some chapter reading and a final to go.....


Anonymous said...

Uh, did you change your blog's url or something?? I was coming here to see why you hadn't been blogging and found out that for some reason it isn't showing up in my bloglines anymore! Eeeeks!

Ok, now I have to watch my show, then I'll be back to read all of what I've missed!!!

Lori said...

Nothing's new but the snowmen...very strange! Blame blogger - sometimes I notice my blog list doesn't update like it's supposed to. Hmmm?

Tasha said...

I never update on the blog list...its strange..

Anyways, I am so proud of you...keep up the good work.