Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!!

A new year means making resolutions...I've seen some good ones! I decided to look back at my 2008 resolutions & do a check up before making new ones. It seems like since I stopped saying things like I will work out or lose weight, I do much better with my resolutions! ha!

Here was 2008:
*continue NOT smoking (I've made it just over a year now!) I can officially take this one off the list this year. It has been over 2 years now since I've smoked!! And, I no longer have the faintest desire! woo-hoo!!!
*now I need to be brave enough to join the church instead of just visiting each week Kevin & I struggled to find the right church all year, and I have to say that John 3:16 is our home church. I wrote my first tithe check today! yippee!
*read more ~ not just when I am on vacation from school, but year round! 14 books and counting...
*slow down and enjoy the moment I am IN! :-) Better keep this one on the list because I could still improve on enjoying the moment and not looking ahead...

2009 Resolutions ~ drumroll.......
This year I will:
*Continue to work on enjoying the moment I am IN...all the little moments too! :-) Sometimes I am much better at this than others!
*Start sending birthday and anniversary cards in the mail rather than using the internet and email.
*Find time everyday for quiet Bible reading & prayer.

And, I challenge myself to read even more books in 2009 than in 2008!!! (Less tv and more reading)

I wish everyone a Happy New Year and all of us lots of luck and perseverance in keeping our resolutions!! LOL!
Now, I may disappear for a few days while I go into a heavy denial that I have to actually go back to work on Monday!! Bummer! I kind of like this staying at home and still getting a paycheck stuff! ha!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!! Great resolutions!!

Anonymous said...

You did so well!! Happy New Year!

Lindsey said...

I'm already crying the blues about going back. I woke up completely depressed this morning about it...but I guess the sooner we go back the sooner the next vacation comes along, right? When you believe that last line, I'll believe it:) I like your keep it real girl!