Sunday, June 03, 2007

We clean up real nice!

I went up to see Kevin this weekend, and we went to his cousin's wedding on Saturday ~ hence the "cleaned up nice" photo! We look so sweet, and yet in the background I am pinching him to get him to STOP pulling on my shirt trying to get my boobs to look bigger! Men! Why can't they just take a simple picture for the scrapbook without a fuss? LOL!
I am about to embark on a stressful week, and I dread it already! I am already worn out from last week and this weekend. It is only 7:30 pm, and I can barely keep my eyes open. I am hitting the sack early tonight and attacking the week head-on in the morning!! Thank goodness my cleaning lady is coming tomorrow (LOVE HER!!), so that is one less thing to worry about this week!! Now...if I could get a reliable teen-age boy to mow my yard, I could focus on closing out the school-year and moving all my classroom stuff home for summer. I have a job interview Tuesday afternoon for a job teaching 3rd grade at another school. WISH ME LUCK! To say that this is a better school is a HUGE understatement!
I am keeping my eye on the prize this week - Friday I will roll out of my driveway with my new pop-up and head to the lake for my first camping trip with the camper!!!! :-)


Lindsey said...

Good good good good luck on your interview. I know exactly what you mean.....just be yourself and you'll do great!

Good luck on getting through the week. One day at a time. One day at a time. You can do it!! Have the kids help you pack...when I had to pack up my room in the past, that's what I did and it worked nicely. I'll check in on you tomorrow.

Tasha said...

You look so pretty! I klnow so many people who got marrie don Saturday...what a popluar date

Good Luck on everything.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the interview, I'll know you will do great.

Trina said...

You clean up mighty fine!!! That was so funny that your hubby was tugging on that blouse of yours...hahaha

Well if my Isaiah lived by he would be all over your lawn..LOL

Good luck on the job interview!!

Steff said...

Good luck on the job interview!!!

And you two are such a cute couple. :)

Lindsay said...

awwww, so cute!
You are precious!
good luck