Friday, June 22, 2007

Exhausted!! 1 of the catering job is done! Whew! Tomorrow is expected to be even more busy! I can't imagine!!! But it went great! We were slammed at 11 o'clock when we started serving, but the lines moved fast (probably faster than the cooks at the HOT grill wanted them too sometimes!). It fizzled out about 12:30, and we were cleaned up and heading home by 1:45 pm - which was fine b/c we got up at 4:45 am!!! THAT is waaaay too early for me!! Here's what I learned - Kevin sings and whistles at 4:45 in the morning!!??!! I am NOT a morning a matter of fact, I would prefer not to talk until I've been up for about an hour, and he's just singing and whistling AND talking!! I tried to be a good sport today though - hee-hee!

Kevin has his Dad working hard! The grill area was HOT!!

I have to take a minute to brag on Tanner ~ he was a HUGE help!! He never stopped. He kept those tables stocked and was so polite to everyone. I am just filled with pride that my cousin is growing up to be such a hardworking gentleman. Thanks Tanner!!

Wish us luck tomorrow ~ I have a feeling after tomorrow, I will crash AND not eat a hot dog or hamburger for awhile! ha!


Lindsey said...

SOunds like it was a day to be proud of! It's always a lot of work for a short amount of time when there's food involved, right? That's why I hate cooking:) Congrats to Kevin for starting his own deal and congrats to you for supporting him so much. Kenny started his own thing a year before I was around, so I saw lots of "firsts" and it really helps him more than anything to know that I'm there supporting him every step of the way. So Kevin is equally as blessed to have you right there working with him. I expect you to be sleeping tomorrow afternoon until Sunday morning!! You'll need it!! And yes, it did feel good to be missed when I was not on the computer for a week....makes me feel the love girl!

Open Roads Mama said...

Hi! Just dropping by your site first time and saying hi! Looks like you've got a busy life with lots of littls smiling faces around. :-) I'll be back to visit again. Greetings from Canada.

la bellina mammina said...

Wow! What a fun day! Well done Tanner for helping out!