Thursday, June 14, 2007

Summer School first week of summer school is over! Time flies! Only 14 days of summer school left (we have Friday's off). As of the end of today, I had 7 kids on my roll. I had 4 the first day, 5 on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then 6 today. Let's just say those AREN'T the numbers they were looking for ~ about 1/2 the kids that were supposed to actually come showed up. We are supposed to have 15 per room. There is talk of letting some teachers go. Who knows - I'm not going to worry about it. I think those of us that taught last year will have seniority and shouldn't have to worry.
I have team taught all week with the teacher across the hall (he has 8 kids). He (don't worry - he's married - ha!) is a middle school teacher and with me being elementary, it is neat the different things you pick up on. I think it's been great b/c it puts a little pressure on you to step things up a bit when someone is watching you teach...and the kids benefit from that!!'s been a great week, but I am ready to sleep in tomorrow!! yay!
I will leave you with a picture of my summer school class yesterday with Miss Arkansas. She took a picture with each class. She started out answering questions in each class, but soon stopped that and just went to just pictures. One of the questions asked was "Will you give me a kiss?" So... you can understand why the question/answer sessions ended! LOL!


la bellina mammina said...

Great pic! Nice of her to pose for photos with the kids.

Woo Pig Brewey! said...

More pictures of her in your blog would be welcomed.

Steff said...

I did not read that closely enough...I thought that was you and was thinking she must have changed her hair

That is great that she stopped by to visit! Enjoy those Fridays off :)

Angel said...

Nice picture! And I love your new avatar pic! Sorry that you didn't get the attendance you should have. I wonder why that is?

Trina said...

That was so nice of Miss Arkansas to stop in. I hope it makes the kids feel special too! And, yes, I would have stopped the question sessions too!...hahaha