Sunday, April 20, 2008

Weekend was mucho better than last week!

You know I relax with piddling in the yard & that is just what last week required! First off, Saturday morning was gorgeous weather - finally! A weekend of sunshine and NO RAIN or tornado's or thunderstorms - just nice weather! That in itself = a trip to Lowe's. Right? How else could I make this ugly, weathered lounger go from this:
to this:
Awww...comfort! I've already used it to lay on & study for my final. :-)
I also spent some time weeding the new area of the flowerbed. You can definitely tell where the extension starts based on the size of the plants, but look at how good they are doing already! I love it! Oh, and the lizards are out in full force. So far, Simba's lizard count is only at two! Kevin said he brought one in the other day, played with it, and took it back outside...why can't he do that every time? ha! Yesterday, when I got home from Lowe's, there was one chillin' in the dining room....yep, it is spring around here in the land of the cat! :-)

And, get ready, it is horse show season! Saturday, Autumn and Tayhlor (my niece's) were both in the horse show in my old hometown. Don't you worry - I got plenty of pics and you will probably get sick of horse pics this week! ha!

Here is Autumn riding Sergio in the keyhole event:

Cheesin' it up for the camera ~ Tayhlor, Autumn, and my Bubby:

And, finally, here it is in print (so that will help make it a reality) ~ Kevin and I are going to start eating more healthy. We both need to lose weight....and hey, as long as he keeps cooking, I don't care if I have to eat healthy! hee-hee! Here's what he has going now:


Anonymous said...

Can I come over for dinner? That looks yummy.

I see that you aren't the only one enjoying the new chair. Looks like you might lose it soon :)

Anonymous said...

The girls look right at home on those horses! What a great experience for them!

Enjoy your healthy meal! I could eat healthy too if you'd send Kevin over to cook for me!!

Lindsey said...

What an AWESOME weekend Lori!! So much fun!! Your garden looks so pretty, and yay for eating healthy!!