Monday, April 28, 2008

Awww...I got a sweet award!

Thanks to LaskiGal over at From the Cheap Seats , I have a new award to post in my sidebar! You know I love these (at least Kevin does b/c I giggle with excitement while he rolls his eyes at me! hee-hee)

Of course, I have to pass it on to some super supportive and awesome ladies who I definitely count as friends!

Check them out if you haven't already....drumroll....
In no certain order...

Lindsey over at So Much To Do... (who just became a Mrs. this weekend)

Tasha over at A Day in the Life... (who is expecting her first baby boy and he needs a name!)

And Tee over at Double Duty (who is obsessed with David Cassidy!!)
Love ya ladies! :-)


Anonymous said...

Tearing up as I prepare for my acceptance speech! Thank you, Lori. You're a real friend - not many people put up with my Cassidy obsession. LOL (Have I mentioned that I want Lindsey's or Tasha's life???!) :)

la bellina mammina said...

Congrats Lori, for your award.

Tasha said...

1st, Thanks Lori, your the greatest. I am so happy we found each other...

2nd, what in the world is Tana talking about? She does not want the 8 year old who thinks she is 16 and a mouth to go with it, she so does not want the terrible two-er who is pushing every nerve I have and she DOES NOT want the leg cramps, belly aches and morning sickness. Tana, you are a crazy lady! LOL.

Lindsey said...

Thanks Lori!!! You are so sweet!!!