Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm BACK!!!

Did ya miss me? Well, I was on some much need "girl only" time!! Friday night scrappin' was a success of giggles, good food, and girl talk. Then, Saturday, I hit the road for the 3 hour trip to see Michelle (my BFF). We both needed some girl time b/c we had some stress to unload on each other. Isn't that what great friends do? hee-hee! And of course, we scrapbooked some more. I finally got out of my scrappin' creative slump, and I think I came up with an awesome Christmas idea for some family (but I can't tell ya b/c they read!)
Anyway - here are some trip highlights...first, a little background: Michelle and I have this list we made together of 10 things we each want to do that we've never done before...I think it started as 10 things to do in 10 years...but it may excede the 10 year mark. Of course, we don't care...we can change the rules. It is our list, afterall. Well, one of Michelle's items was to ride a roller coaster with me. HA! Fat chance! She is a roller coaster freak, and I hate them!! She finally gave up on the BIG dream and decided this baby coaster would do...ummm, it is a KID coaster and look at face when they took off!! Can you imagine what I would do on a big one? I'd be one of those people you read about having a heart attack!! I never let go of the bar and Jacob (Michelle's kiddo) had to sit with me. He is a little dare devil I might add and kept leaning over the side and making me a nervous wreck!!
Here is much nicer picture of us (although neither one of us likes it! ha!). We took one before church b/c we decided we hadn't taken a dress-up one in a long time. (and yep, her hubs gets tired of taking our picture! ha!)
The rest of the trip consisted of more scrapbooking, running errands, hanging out, and eating - unhealthy as possible - cookie dough (raw and cooked), Mexican food after church, bannana splits (yum), and beans and cornbread (one of my all time favs)...there was more food involved but I can't put into print just how much we truly love to eat!! That would make it real!! ha!
Thanks for a great visit as always Michelle!! (even though you think I side with Chris more than do you think I score all that great deer meat? hee-hee) Love you all!


Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful! I may need to talk my friend into that. The weekend together and the fun list of 10!

Tasha said...

Sounds awesome! I need to get me one of those banana splits...That sounds awesome!

Lindsey said...

Looks like you had so much fun!!! The banana split pic is so cute!!!