Sunday, June 01, 2008

Busy, but good weekend

You know the weekend started with a girls night of scrapbookin'. There really is no better way to start a weekend! ha! It was a small group this time - just me, Laura & Laura (I gotta come up with nicknames - actually one of them I call funny girl - she's a hoot). But anyway, my friend Donna came for a bit too - remember the one that had the twins back in January. Her Mom is still here, so her and her Mom tried to bring the girls and get some scrappin' done. The twins were havin' none of it! ha! Seriously, I don't know how she keeps up with two of them. I freak out when ONE baby is crying and there were two of them going at it! yikes! Poor Kevin thinks he is cursed b/c they both started after or as he was holding them! hee-hee! So, poor Donna didn't get to stay long or get much done. BUT, she looks GREAT! (and somehow, I let them get away without taking a picture - I am slacking)
Saturday was spent getting ready for Kevin's catering job on Sunday and also getting some yard work done....the yard was a jungle! We catered for 50 Game and Fish folks (aka directors) at Lake Sylvia today. It was great...I really do love this catering know I love to organize & there is alot to organize! ha!
Here is where we were:
It's kind of out in the middle of nowhere but gorgeous! Kevin cooked ribs, pulled pork, baked beans, baked potato salad, slaw, and almost Texas toast! We were going to have Texas toast but right after everyone got there, a huge storm hit and the power went out. We just kept on trucking...and pulled it off - except for the toast. yay!
Well, I am tired and MY ribs are about until tomorrow...bye!


Lindsay said...

Those ribs look so good!

How is my CUZ doing?
I m so glad yall have FUN together!
I think I need to send my scrapbook up to yall, I think it is feeling a little neglected!

Laski said...

Ugh. I'm starvin' now!!! It is almost 1:30 in the morning and all I can think about are ribs!

Tasha said...

Mmmm Tell Kevin all I want for this baby is some ribs too.......