Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Spur of the Moment Camping Trip

Kevin finished up work early Tuesday and had today off, so we thought, why not hitch up the pop-up, load up the dog and hit the road? Which is exactly what we did ~ much to Jax's dismay! Above is a great picture of our campsite ~ which I thought was awesome! My family and I camp at this park every summer but are usually in different sites. This was the only section open because of all the flooding earlier in the year.
This is probably poor Jax's second and final camping trip ~ a camping dog, he is not! He was miserable. In his defense, he is ten years old and has arthritis. We took him out of his air conditioning and comfortable bed and put him on the hard ground and hot air! heehee! He paid us back with his ferocious gas in the car!! yikes! We got set up in no time and Kevin knocked out some grub. Then, we set off walking around the camp grounds to explore the flooding. It made me really sad to see all the litter washed up from the flood waters and to see so much of the campgrounds not open! We usually have gone camping by now for our big family camp-out every summer. That got cancelled because the sites were closed. My parents and I have reservations for the second weekend in July....but after what we saw last night, those are going to get cancelled too. It was too dark to take pictures, but after all these months, the water is still flooded over the road, some of the campsites are still completely under water, and the ones we have reserved have water all the way up to the tables....sad! :-( I had to see it to really grasp the damage though.
We had a gorgeous view but couldn't get out in the water b/c all the swimming areas are gone b/c of the flood. The water came right up to the decking of our campsite. But, our campsite normally is up on a cliff, so at some point, it just drops off to nothing...not real safe. So...we came, we saw, we relaxed, and now we think up plan B for our July trip!!


la bellina mammina said...

I love doing spontaneous stuff - and that looks like a great camping trip....and those corns and sausages...YUM!!

Anonymous said...

Poor Jax. Vader is outside roaming around in 100 degree heat "for the fun of it". I tried to convince him to stay in and enjoy the a/c.

And that food looks delish!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome view!!

Lindsey said...

That sight is beautiful!! Jax is so cute! I love spur of the moment trips...and I bet using your camper makes the packing super easy too!!