Monday, June 16, 2008

More horses and other stuff...

Since Kayce enjoyed Tuesday so much, I took her back to the horse show on Saturday. This time Mom had some kittens that she is trying to find homes for....anyone interested? ha! Anyway - this kept Kayce busy with a mission all day! She made a sign and walked the arena with it (I paid her $2 to do it - I didn't think she would! ha!). She tried hard and managed to find a home for one. As she was walking around the arena, when she passed people, you could see the kids read the sign, turn to the parent, and then the parent shaking their heads NO! hee-hee!

You have to admit kittens are cute - even you none cat folks! This one was my favorite...but my cats wouldn't like it if I brought another one home. Plus, TWO is plenty!! I love 'em, but I hate that litter box!

Autumn got several ribbons this week - she got first place in the flag race against the teenagers too! Yay Cowgirl! She is really a natural with the horses...just like her grandma!
This is her on Dolly:

Other random stuff:

Sunday and today, Kevin and I worked on finishing up the storage building. Whew - that was W.O.R.K! I admit that I didn't think we could do it by ourselves b/c we aren't power tool/handymen kind of people, but we did it! We put the finishing touches on the underhang of the roof and all the trim up. I'll take an "after" picture once I paint it this week!! Tomorrow, I am being a girl for the day and getting my hair cut and highlighted, so no manual yucky labor for me!! :-)

Also, I went to work with Kevin today and helped him with his caterings. I made the decision that I am NOT working this summer, BUT I will help him when he is in a bind like today. And it was fun and neat to see him in what he does everyday. I had no idea his day was so hectic and fast paced! Wow! I do have a whole new respect for him after today...I came home and sleep for 3 hours! ha!

**I am playing around with my sidebar trying to make updates...for some reason, Tasha, I cannot get the link to work to your blog. It keeps sending me to some weird site. I am giving up for tonight and will try again tomorrow! :-)


Laski said...

Good for you for NOT working this summer! This is what summer BREAK is for! As if you don't work hard enough as it is!!!

Don Mills Diva said...

Very cute pics - there is no way I would be able to resist that kitten!

Trina said...

Kittens are irrestible! We have two black ones that have melted my heart, but that's not hard to I think it sounds like you earned that girl day, enjoy it! How did you do this handy dandy sidebar trick that shows peoples latest posts and when they posted them? I want to mimick this, it is sooooo cool!!!

Tasha said...

You better keep working on my link, missy! Just kidding...LOL..

Anonymous said...

I agree. I'm not a cat person, but that kitten is adorable!

I hope you enjoy your summer!!