Saturday, March 08, 2008

Some snow pics...

When I got up yesterday, I was really worried that I wasn't getting my snow day AGAIN! Because, there was really nothing on the ground, and it wasn't doing anything. I guess the 100% chance and the winter weather warning we were under are what saved us! ha! The snow started about 11am and didn't stop until about 6 o'clock last night. It was a pretty snow coming down too ~ big snowflakes.
"Got any more bird seed lady?"
This is what we finished up with (about 3 inches) - just enough for the neighborhood kids to have a little fun, and the dog to not want to go out! LOL! All in all, it was a perfect snow day ~ the roads didn't get bad, I didn't get out of my PJ's, and there wasn't any school! Woo-hoo!


Anonymous said...

Snow is pretty as long as it in NOT in my yard!!

RJTrue said...

Hello there,
Thanks for coming by my blog and offering your words. I can't even tell you how much they are appreciated. It's funny how you get just what you need - sometimes where you least expect it.


Tasha said...

Pretty pictures...I only like the snoe in pictures..LOL

marykathryn said...

I totally loved snow days as a kid and I know my boys were super pumped when school was cancelled due to snow..Oh the good ole' days!

Lindsey said...


Lindsey said...