Thursday, March 27, 2008

Can you say MULCH?

After getting my hair cut and highlighted this morning, I reverted back to my country girl self and promptly pulled my hair up in a ponytail and started back in the flowerbeds! ha! Seriously, I am not a good girly girl...not crazy about shopping, not really into fashion (just comfort), and don't own a ton of shoes. (gasp!)
Now, I spend my money on the house and in the yard!! It took two truckloads of mulch to get all my flowerbeds done today, but my teenage neighbor that I hired yesterday and myself got it done! He is a good little worker - I have hired him the past three spring breaks. I think he starts driving next year, and that is when I lose all my good help! ha! All six flowerbeds have fresh mulch now and look at the size of the one I extended! Now that's a flowerbed! ha! We finished the rock border today too. When everything starts blooming, I will take another picture.

Mr. Razorback is all comfy in his new home.


Anonymous said...

Spending the morning doing the hair and the afternoon doing the mulch! Country girls rock! I can't wait to see the garden once it blooms, and how lucky are you? Scoring all that free stuff?

Dr. Pepper said...

Can you say SNOW????

Stoopid groundhog and his predictions.

I'm dreaming of the day when I can post pictures like this:) Nice work girl!

Erika said...

I wish I could be outside doing yard work. It's still cold here and rainy. Your yard looks beautiful!!

Lindsey said...

It looks awesome!! You have got some talent girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was a lot of work! It's looks beautiful and I can't wait to see it blooming.

Tasha said...

Your yard is always looking good