Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's going by too fast!

Wednesday of Spring Break is almost over! YIKES! The week needs to sloooowww down! Or Spring Break needs to be TWO weeks long! LOL!
I feel like today flew by, but you know I got some things crossed off my list. First of all, I got lucky and the lady that I scored all the free plants from the other day called this morning saying I could have two more day lillies, three azalea bushes and a crape mertle if I would come dig them up! Woo-hoo! So, I did. Then, I had to rush to get cleaned up and make a hospital visit to my Aunt who had surgery. I got there in time to do a little visiting (which I'm sure she won't remember due to pain meds -ha!) and have lunch with my mom, SIL, and Granny at Cracker Barrel. yummy!
Once back home though, the work (relaxing work) began of planting my free stuff. Oh, and I called the teenage helper I hire every year to come mow the yard and help me spread mulch in the front flowerbeds. It's good to have help!!! He was a bit of a sissy about the bees chasing him in the backyard though - ha! Seriously, I would've ran too - they were huge!
Tomorrow all the flowerbeds should be mulched, so I will try to take some pics. I'm afraid rain may force me to stay inside on Friday, and I will be so sad! Rain, Rain, stay away - come back on a workday!


Anonymous said...

More time in the flower beds? Wow. I'm so impressed! Can't wait to see your glorious yard after all this work :)

Tasha said...

Geez, you are always so busy!

Laski said...

I always hate when spring break ends . . . but then again, it does mean that the school year is close to winding down and summer is upon us!