Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Some of you may remember my springtime drama's with mowing & lawnmowers ... my steady mower didn't work at the beginning of the season, tried to repair it, and it was smoking the next time I used it....bought a new one that lasted ONE time & crashed & burned. Then, Kevin let me borrow his (that we had to make a 3 hour one way and 3 hour back trip for, but hey, it saved me from BUYING one). Well...guess what?!? The grass is really tall ~ driving the neighbors crazy I am sure b/c it is even on my nerves. Kevin tried to mow yesterday & the mower is dead!!!! Remember last week's money crashing, blah, blah, blah....well...I sure can't afford a yard boy OR a new mower....hmmmm! And, I think this qualifies as going WAY past that "things happen in 3's!" URGH! But I won't let it get me down! I may put a sign in the front yard that says "Don't hate us! Mower is broken, and we are poor! If the yard bothers you that badly, feel free to mow it yourself!" Ha!



la bellina mammina said...

LOL! Someone might lend you his mower if you really put up that sign!

Tasha said...

Aww, you poor thing..Sending lots of love and LUCK your way!!!

Steff said...

I don't own a mower and grudgingly pay to have it mowed each month. Thankfully, it's getting to the season where it doesn't grow as fast.

I love the idea for the sign!

Thanks for listening to me vent last week. It helped so much!

Anonymous said...

lol - I've NEVER mowed the yard in my life!! My dad always said that a rock would hit me in the eye when I was growing up and actually wanted to mow. Now I just tell Chris the same excuse - rock/eye. Bless your heart!

Tan said...

I've never mowed grass either. In fact, this year we've paid somebody to cut our grass. Money well spent! Hang the sign, your lawn will be cut in no time!