Sunday, September 09, 2007

Just breathe...

Well - things went from bad to worse with my last post. I had a major meltdown Friday night b/c I just couldn't take ONE more money issue being thrown my way. I had myself a pretty good pity face looked like a swollen punching bag by Saturday morning from all the crying. BUT, I can only allow myself a pity party for so long ~ I have my priorities straight. I know it could be worse, & I am grateful for the little things. I am a worrier by nature, but I am trying to let it go and not worry. It will all work out - it always does. And, I am proud of myself b/c I still haven't caved in and charged anything! So...yay me!
In computer news, I spent yesterday unhooking things from my home computer and loading up my school laptop. So...all "my stuff" is still on the broken down computer, but I am up and running on my school one. (At least I have a school laptop - how lucky is that!?) home computer will remain fried until I have the extra money to fix it.
And...while I was working on getting the printer and camera loaded to the laptop. FedEx called needing directions and delivered the wireless router that Kevin ordered. Thank You FedEx!! That got me off of his laptop and on he can play poker on-line in the living room (ha!) ~ and I can do schoolwork and blog at the same time! No more fussing for the computer!!! LOL!
I was able to load the pictures from Thursday night's banquet:
This is me & Sydnei (the student who nominated me). She looked so nice! It was such an honor to be nominated and thought of by a former student. She had to read her essay that she wrote about me while I came up to receive my award. Yes, I got a little teary eyed! There were over 30 nominations and her essay was one of 10 chosen! I taught her well ~ ha! This is one of the students I got extra attached to b/c when I moved from 2nd to 3rd grade, I got to keep my students. So..I taught her two years in a row.
This is me with another teacher that was honored. We taught together until this year. It was great having a chance to see her and get caught up!! She is one of my favorite people from my old job. Plus, she brought me the exciting news that even with all the behavior issues I had last year, all my students scored advanced or proficient on benchmark except for 6 of them. This is AWESOME! Out of the 23 kids, when I got them, only 3 were advanced or proficient!! I am so proud of them! So, somehow with all that chaos last year in the classroom, I still managed to teach the ones that wanted to learn! Such a relief!!


Lindsey said...

Lori I am so sorry that you were (are) that stressed about money. It's such an awful feeling! Congrats on not charging and being able to see your priorities! Keep your head up! You always find a way! COngrats also on your award! You are truly an amazing teacher!

Woo Pig Brewey! said...

Sounds like you taught a lot of kids well.

la bellina mammina said...

Congrats on your award - sorry that you're feeling shitty about money. Hope things will work out fine soon.

L said...

Congrats on the award - that little girl looks so proud! :-)
Hang in there w/the money troubles - you'll make it - I know ya will!

Trina said...

Hey Lori! I am so sorry that you had a meltdown. I have had those days too. It sounds like you did the right thing though; Allowed yourself to cry, and then were ready to face it all again. Good for you!! Congratulations on your award! That is such an incredible honor. How neat to have someone acknowledge your hard work, and to get the kudos you deserve!

Tasha said...

Oh, lori, I sure hope your doing better. Trust me, when I say things will get better.

You look so pretty with your award, congrats