Tuesday, October 14, 2008


An actual conversation in my classroom today:

Student: Ms. J, my daddy said he thinks you are cute.

Me: That's nice. Compliments are always nice.

Student: He thinks you are real cute.

Me: Ok. Now, let's get on task.

Student: My daddy said you have nice hips too.

REALLY???? Who SAYS that to their child about his TEACHER???? Give me a break!!
Now, how am I suppose to conference with this man next week? Jeez!
Is it just me or is this highly inappropriate???


Lindsey said...

OMG way too inappropriate there!! (but still flattering) What are you going to do?

Tasha said...

Nice hips? Thats a new one to me...

Erika said...

Wow. That's a new one. Who tells his child that kind of stuff?! Good luck with the pt conference.

L said...

LOL! Maybe the child overheard the conversation? Maybe?? Prob not but you could use this to your advantage and tell the guy you need some classroom supplies while swinging your hips! LOL! J/K! ;-)

Anonymous said...

LOL It's only inappropriate if he's butt-ugly!! If he's good-looking, or even rich, then it's not inappropriate at all!! heehee Shake those hips, girl!