Thursday, October 16, 2008

Buried under work...

Four days without students! Tomorrow is Teacher Record Day and boy do I have records to work on!! I have to put stuff back on walls from the painters AND finish up grades, enter them in the computer, print grade reports and a few other reports, fill out report cards, fill out parent conference forms, fill out AIP's, get organized for next week, AND fill out paperwork and plan a lesson for an observation by my principal. Think I can get all that done in the 4 hours I am on contract tomorrow? No...probably not. I am betting it will be tomorrow ALL day and some of Saturday. It will get done though, and I will be ready for my parent conferences Monday!! (except for maybe that one - see post below!) ha!

Have I done anything for my Master's class that is Saturday? NO! I have been catching up on grading papers and entering grades in the computer all week. Who the heck has time to read chapters? I hope I can flub my way through...surely I can! :-)

I am going to visit Kevin again on Sunday, so that is my shining, happy moment for the workload lately.


Tasha said...

Wow girl you sound busy...You should try your reward system for yourself like you did last year...It was fun seeing you cross things off your reward list :)