Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Make & Take Day

My co-workers and I took a little field trip today to a make and take co-op. It is quite a drive for us (to Hoxie) but well worth it. I have gone nearly every summer since I started teaching. I like to make my own stuff for my walls rather than buy store-made. I think it looks so much better. So...today I introduced my new co-workers to the place and we had a great day!
I added a few items to my ocean theme that I started last year. The first thing I made was the "Sea" star of the Month poster for my Good Citizen of the Month. The yellow square will hold their picture and the orange will hold their sheet they answer questions and tell information about themselves. Then, I made 7 of these ~ picture them with cute googlie eyes...they will go in the hallway and when they meet certain AR points, they will get their picture on their sea star. There will be a 15 point star, 25 point star, 50 point...and so on.
These are going to be my name tags on their desks:
I LOVE getting ready to start the school year!! This is my favorite time of year! And, to make my day even better when I got home my scrapbook stamps I ordered were in ~ woo-hoo!!
Click here if you wanna see what I made last year with the ocean theme.


Anonymous said...

I so want to be in your class!!! I tried to skip over the stamps though. I've never used stamps and I don't need a new addiction/expense, so I'm just pretending I didn't see them. lol Won't my hubby be proud?

Tasha said...

You are an awesome teacher...I can only hope Hannah's 3rd grade teacher is half as awesome as you!