Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School

First day is over, and I am one tired teacher! I love the excitement of the first day and the nervous feeling, but it sure is a draining day! My feet are killing me! ha! I can honestly say this is an interesting group...there weren't many first day in, how to put this? They certainly weren't shy and quiet like kids normally are on the first day. I think I have a talk-a-lot group! I have 21 on my roll now and out of that 21, only 10 were at this school last year. That says a lot. Some will have a rude awakening when they realize how strict this school is compared to others. Don't get me wrong, I have some quiet ones...they just got lost in the talkers. And, teachers kids...that doesn't mean best behaved. Hmmm...are teacher's kids like preacher's kids? I hope not! ha!
Tomorrow, I have to be more strict. Today I wanted everyone to have a good first day. (Oh, for those that haven't seen me in the classroom, I am NOT good at mean, strict just doesn't work for me! ha!) Here are my new kiddo's ~
The Boys
The Girls


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you might have your hands full this year. Buy hey-it will make for some exciting stories.
Lots o luck!

Tasha said...

I;m sure you being the great teacher you are will be able to handle what ever the kids throw your way :)

Lindsey said...

SO glad you had a good first day! Put the hammer down now!! I always have to remind myself of that too in the first week, to be more strict. It always pays off in the end. I hope your feet are doing okay now!!

Laski said...

Where did my comment go?!?! UGH!!!

Congrats on the first day. You may be exhausted by you look fantastic!

And good for you on laying down the law!!! As a seasoned teacher you know just how valuable that will be.

Have a blast!