Thursday, August 28, 2008

Give me the weekend please!

I need the three day weekend coming up just to get caught up. I have stayed late everyday. There is so much to do at the beginning of the school year. It is crazy!! See, there is a reason we get the summer off - to stay sane from all the running the rest of the year. Unlike other jobs, all of our stuff has to wait until after school or the weekend b/c we can't do it while we have kids in the room (at least not if you are a good teacher and actually TEACHING). But anyway, I could get way off topic with that.

There was a reason I had nightmares before I got my class this year...they are somewhat true. What a group!! I had one have crying, screaming melt-down today. Wow! What a fit! Haven't seen one of those in awhile. Funny thing - the parents are not returning my calls....hmmmm??

I am ready for the weekend, and Autumn's horse show. I think all of us adults are as excited as she is...I just finished making her sign for her stall with her horses name on it. I hot glued his name in rope onto a board I spray painted red. It looks cute but I burned the heck out of my finger on the hot glue. OUCH!! Here is the sign though...Kevin says I should be proud ~ what cha think Mom?

Everyone have a good, safe weekend! I plan to family and nap it up! hee-hee!


Anonymous said...

Love the sign!!

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Autumn is going to love it. -Amy

Tasha said...

ewww a melt down..I'm sorry

Lindsey said...

Oh the classroom meltdowns....and the rest of the kids are still there watching, I HATE those. It takes an hour just to get back on track!! Yuck! Glad you made it through though! I know whatcha mean about doing the work before, after school, and on the weekends. It's ALWAYS there! Enjoy the next two days!! LOVE the Sergio sign!

Anonymous said...

Love the sign and had a great time at the horse show. I wish I would have walked down to the stall and look at it. I didn't even this about it. Post some pics okay.