Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My own personal petting zoo

And in the city! shhh! Imagine what I could do with a little land!! :-) Let me talk a bit about one of my favorite topics ~ my pets! You can come visit them for free (until we grow the pumpkins and have our pumpkin patch/petting zoo business! LOL!) The first one you will probably meet when you walk in the door is the sweetest, best dog EVER, Jax. I love this dog more than anything in the world (Kevin knows and has made peace with it - ha!). He is getting old and is sleeping most of the time now, but still has a ball of energy that comes from nowhere when I walk in the door. It doesn't matter if I am gone 15 minutes or 8 hours, he goes nuts! I tell ya, no one else is crazy about me like that! :-) He follows me everywhere I go and is a good snuggler. (when he doesn't have gas and he can run you out of the room ~ trust me on this) The ottoman is really a dog bed:
Next, you are sure to meet Simba! He thinks he is a dog, so he has to greet people too. And you best acknowledge him or he WILL tell you about it. He will stay at your feet meowing until you talk to him (and he answers back) or pet him. Simba is my hunter and likes to play rough. He really is a dog trapped in a cats body. He even comes when you call him. He is usually in trouble and is featured here quite often for his shenanigans, so I am only giving you this picture of him sleeping...I'm sure he'll get in trouble again soon! And then, there is the semi-normal cat, Nala. You probably won't meet her because she is a normal cat in that she likes to hide when people come over (especially if you bring little people with you). She is fluffy and everyone wants to pet her. She loves to snuggle but only with me. She really doesn't like anyone else. She has attitude and everyone calls her the mean cat, but she isn't mean. Promise! (even though she did bite the cleaning lady once...whole other story). What makes her a bit abnormal for a cat is that she is clumsy. She can't jump very high and will often miss jumping on the bed and fall off. It's really comical.
See the fluff:
Then, for summer's only, we have Nibbles, the guinea pig. She is getting very spoiled this summer and expects a treat of some sort everytime we walk by. Kevin says only I could spoil a guinea pig! This picture is the only time all summer that Nala has paid her any attention.
Only about a week and a half and it's off to school again for Ms. Nibbles.
And last, but not least, there is the backyard pond full of fish...well, 7 of them. I lost my fish that I had in the pond diaster earlier in the year. I had one of them for 4 years, so I was upset. But these guys are my new ones. There are 4 big ones and 3 little ones. I have them where they know when I turn off the pump to come to the surface and eat. When kids come over they love to feed them. Oh, and the pond is full of tadpoles. We are about to be over-run with frogs/toads. And, being a teacher, I wanted to watch them turn to frogs up close and personal, so I have a few in a container on the kitchen counter. But that is it - for now - no more pets!
Not bad for the city huh? Just wait until I have land...


Lindsay said...

I cant believe how much Simba and Stanley look and act alike!
You do have a petting zoo!
Gotta LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

So much fun! I want to come over and play with all your pets!

Anonymous said...

Lori -- the zookeeper! :)