Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ramblings and happenings....

I missed my Blogiversary! (yes, it's a word because I've seen it on other peoples blogs! ha!) I have been blogging a year on the 9th of this month! Wow! And, some people are still reading ~ hee-hee! Thanks! Really, I've become hooked ~ I unwind from a day at work by reading everyone's blog, and I wonder what is going on in blogland when I'm away too long! I think it has taken the place of my soap's!! LOL!

Well ~ the weekend is just about over and work officially starts tomorrow! Summer is gone, but the heat isn't!!! It is over 100 degrees everyday this week and last week. Kevin and I ate dinner one night this week out on the back deck b/c we thought it felt nice outside. An hour or two later, the news said it was still 90 degrees outside! You know it's been hot when 90 degrees feels good! I am still a little nervous about tomorrow, but I've been up at the school working on my room all week (Kevin even came and helped all day Friday, but I think he tried to annoy me just enough so he wouldn't have to do it ever again ~ ha!) and everyone I have met has been SUPER nice. I think I am going to LOVE my new school!!

Kevin and I went to my scrappin' buddies wedding reception last night ~ check out her gorgeous wedding pics at llcoolworld. You will NOT be disappointed!! They went to Jamaica, and the sunset was beautiful!! Just sit back for a minute and relax and enjoy the pics!!

As most of you know, Kevin is a recovering alcoholic and last night's reception was his first real event to attend where there was alcohol and people drinking (obviously there was in Cozumel, but we were able to avoid it). I was and am super proud of him for first of all - going even though he was nervous about it and second of all - for having fun and being himself. I know this wasn't easy for him, but he can't be sheltered from alcohol forever. He did great, and I hope he was able to see that he will never battle this disease on his own again. I will support him every step of the way!! So ~ kudo's to Kevin for overcoming a hurdle and having the strength to make it through another day sober!


Lindsey said...

Congrats to Kevin and good luck tomorrow Lori!!!

la bellina mammina said...

The photos are beautiful and bravo Kevin!

Tasha said...

Congrats to Kevin

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Kevin!! He should be very proud of himself.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Kevin, I was very proud of you at the party and you made it just fine! Congrats! If you were nervous you hid it well.