Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tomorrow is the big day ~ First Day of School!!

Just so you know, teachers get just as nervous as the kids! Every year... no matter how long we teach! But, the first day of school is one of my favorite days of the year too! Everything is new and fresh and exciting! The kids are so quiet and nervous and cute...all the supplies are new and crisp. Then, you give it a couple of weeks & all that changes~ ha!
I have busted my butt the past week and half getting my room ready. There was alot of cleaning out before I could even start b/c the lady before me in this room had been there for 20 years and retired!! I even found a record player!!! I haven't seen one of those in FOREVER! But, I think I am ready... here are a few shots I took mid-day Friday as I was ready to sit down and actually PLAN what to do with the kiddo's! :-) Kevin said, "you know fish don't actually stay in rows like that!" ha! They have clothespins behind them, and going to hang the kids work from the pins. They won't look so lined up then! (and if they do, I'll move 'em! Geez!)
Nibbles made it to the room on Friday. She has her own special spot. She was nervous to be back in a school, but I had a little talk with her and assured her we were out of the hood & she shouldn't hear anymore gunshots at night! Whew!
Ready for the kids!! I'm not thinking about it too much yet today - I will wait until tonight b/c it will make me nervous! Send good thoughts tomorrow!!


Steff said...

I love the ocean look...I pushed hard for it to be our theme this year but it didn't go over. I love what you've done!!!

We go back for teacher in-service tomorrow, but school doesn't start until the 27th. I hope that you have a wonderful first day of school! :)

Lindsey said...

Good luck Lori!! I am always nervous too. And every year I think, what did I do last year on the first day? It's sometimes tough to try to plan out what to do with new kiddos!! Your room rocks! The kids are so LUCKY to be in your room! Have a GREAT day!! (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Lori! Can't wait to hear all about your first day!

Lindsay @ Splat Designs said...

Good luck girly!

Woo Pig Brewey! said...

Good luck... hope you have a great year!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Lori. I know you will have a great year.

la bellina mammina said...

Wow! Love the work you've done to that room. Those kids are fortunate to have you as their teacher!

Trina said...

Ohh today's the day!!! You made your room look fantastic! Great job! I am anxious to hear how your first day went. I hope its AWESOME!

Tasha said...

Wow your room looks great! Good Luck!