Thursday, August 23, 2007

This week has FLOWN by!

I have had such a good week with my class that the week has literally flown by!! Yay! I have such a neat group of kids!! Two boys have asked me if they could have a chess set in the room for when they finish work early! I love it! To give you an idea of how sharp they are - when it is time for GT (gifted and talented) half of my class leaves for GT! HALF!! Which means, I can really work in small groups with those that might be struggling with something!! Relief!
Somehow the week slipped past without me posting some pics from my niece's horseshow last weekend. It was her last one of the season ~ it was HOT! And we had a 3 hour wait in between events for her, so maybe I blocked the horseshow from my mind! LOL!

She is really starting to get faster (much to her Grandma's dismay!) Kevin has nicknamed my Mom "Cautious Cathy" - ha! I'm a worrier too, so I'll be grateful when I have kiddo's of my own! In the picture below, she is even running Dolly - the big horse - that was originally meant for me, but I can't handle her! ha!

The only other real news I have from this week is that I started my next Master's class tonight (because you know I don't have enough going on! ha!) I don't think this one is going to be too bad. The best part is that I applied and was accepted for tuition reimbursement from my school district for this class. I have to pass the class, and then they will pay me back my tuition. I had to pay upfront though....which is why I am SO broke right now that I can't afford to do ANYTHING!! Now, tell me again, why can't money grow on trees? ha!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Steff said...

Yeah, but you're broke for such a good cause! Our district is also providing a $1000 (yep...three zeros) to anyone that goes back for their addition to paying for the tuition.

Steff said...

You know...I left out the word stipend in that sentence!

marykathryn said...

Thanks for choosing little ol'me for that sweet award....Sounds like the new school year is bringing lots of good and exciting things your way...Good for you!

Trina said...

That is really neat that they have a way to reimburse you. That sort of stuff gets pretty pricey! Yikes!! Great photos, and I would be a bit of worrier

Lindsey said...

What an awesome feeling that half your class goes to the gifted program!! And that extra time with the kids who need it?? That's a gift from Heaven!! What a bonus! Good luck with the masters class!!

la bellina mammina said...

Fab photos of your niece. oodluck and have fun with your masters class!