Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Well...CRAP!! First a snake, my kiddo's are HYPER at school, and now a flat tire! Tires - yuck! This is such boy stuff! ha! Luckily, I made it home, and I don't know how low it was while I was driving home. My friend, Laura, stopped by to pick up her scrappin' bag and noticed it! Thank you Laura!!!! Otherwise, I know I would've driven on it to TaMolly's for dinner tonight. I am so frazzled with all the stuff that I have to do for end of the year that I can't keep up with anything right now!
So...with a boyfriend living 3 hours away, I had to phone-a-husband to borrow! :-) Thank you Sandy for loaning out your honey to come rescue me!!
And the biggest THANK YOU to Troy for changing my flat tire!!! I couldn't have made to TaMolly's without you! LOL!
Now, I am ready for my 3 day weekend please!!! I have a snake to find, a tire to get patched, and a couch calling my name!!!!


Anonymous said...

There's really a such restaurant called TaMolly's?? How funny!!!

Too bad about the tire! I hate when that happens!

Lindsey said...

Hang in there...only a couple more days and then the WEEKEND for 3 whole days!!!

la bellina mammina said...

What's the saying - good things happen in 3s? uh, it didn't apply here did it!? Sorry to hear about the tyre.

Lori said...

Ha! I guess TaMolly's does look funny when you aren't used to seeing it on a regular basis!

Tasha said...

I hate car fix it repairs..Glad the tire was fixed fast.