Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tag ~ You're It!

Got this tag from (the mad) Household of Indemini Capri. Go check out her blog! If you scroll down to her last Thursday's post, you will see some of the funniest cat pics!! She could win a contest with those!

OK - here goes - the tag is:
8 Random Things About Yourself:

1. I love to sing and dance, but I can't do either! So, I only do either one when I am by myself or with kids. My kids at school think I can sing! LOL!

2. I am very competitive. I hate to lose!

3. If I won the lottery, I would open some sort of animal rescue sanctuary. (no big surprise there I'm sure! ha!)

4. I am not athletic at all. I am actually very clumsy...I can fall down just walking along!

5. I like shopping for house stuff much more than clothes! But I am not a big shopper either way ~ it's gotta be a bargain too!

6. I LOVE projects around the house. (There it is Kevin - you have been warned!! hee-hee)

7. I am told that I have alot of patience. I don't think so sometimes, but other teachers at school seem to think I have more patience than most with troubled kids. I guess I could see that, but put me in the wrong line at Target or behind a slow car in the fast lane ~ NO patience here! :-0)

8. I have not given up on my happily ever after... :-) (No pressure Kevin! LOL!)

Now, I tag L-Girl and Tasha!!


marykathryn said...

Great getting to know about some fun little facts about ya!!! Thanks for sharing and i also am pretty competitive..hence my son's obsession..LOL
Your snake post FREAKS me out TOO!! Not a fan of snakes, not a fan at all..hope it gets caught and SOON!!

la bellina mammina said...

what's the uodate on the snake situation?

I am as clumsy as you are - especially after a night of dancing - I'll wake up next morning with bruises everywhere! :-)

Lindsey said...

Good to know!!!!

I'll do it tonight:)