Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Carolin' @ the Capitol

Sadly, none of the pictures from today turned out very good! They were all dark, and when I lightened them on the computer, they just got a grainy look. But anyway - here we are caroling at the State Capitol today (yes I survived!!!). Their performance was AWESOME! Their behavior on the tour afterwards was not so much! ha! But again, I survived! It's over & I have 6 work days until vacation!! Almost there!
I don't want to jinx myself, but I am trying to quit smoking!! You all know my plan was to quit when school started this year ~ then I got this class from you know where & that plan kind of went out the window!!! Well ~ I hate smoking and all the yucky stuff that goes with it, so I'm really giving it a go! Since Saturday, I have only had one! I know I can do this b/c I quit before for 6 years!! If it weren't for the stress from that darn divorce, I'd still be a non-smoker! LOL! If I can make it a month, I'm laughing! :-)


Lindsay said...

I think I sang in that same exat spot when I was a kid!

Anonymous said...

yes, they are all dark!