Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Never a dull moment...

This guy look a little out of place on the wood floors??? SIMBA!!! He's at it again, and he is currently winning the war against my toads. I am NOT happy about this! For one, I love my toads in the pond. I love listening to them at night. It sounds like camping. For years, they have managed to escape Simba. He has stalked them and lost. Until now. I stepped on one about a week ago that he left on the dining room area rug. URGH! I couldn't see it in the pattern of the rug - gross! Then, a few nights ago, he caught a little one and left it on the bedroom floor so I'd find it as soon as I got up. Thank God he didn't bring it in the bed!
This morning, as I was leaving for work, he had brought this HUGE one inside for me to almost step on first thing in the morning!!! Can you tell how big this guy is? I didn't want to touch it, so I got a paper towel and then realized he was still alive! I may have screamed a bit! But I managed to get him back out to the pond. I hope he recovered! Look at those legs on him - some people might fry those up! hmmm.....


Lindsay said...

he is HUGE

la bellina mammina said...


L said...

Girl....that's an actual FROG not a toad. He's a big fella too - bad boy Simba!

Tasha said...

ewwwwwww, grosssssss