Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Mr. Trouble

Mr. Trouble, aka Simba, is sick! :-( He took a trip to the vet this morning, and I was expecting a terror. But, I guess he felt so bad that he didn't even fight us. He will be embarrassed for me to tell you that his anal gland ruptured...ewww! It wasn't a sight easy on the eyes. But with meds and a good clean up (while under some serious sedation at the vet), he will be fine.

It's a yucky, rainy day here, and I am in the dumps...feeling blue and yucky myself. So, that's all I got today. I even cried when my tough guy had to go to the vet this morning ~ what a sap I am!


Tasha said...

sounds like a serious injury..Glad that he is okay..

Anonymous said...

Wow, an anal gland rupture. That sounds painful! You know I'm not a huge cat lover, but I would never wish harm on ANY animal - so all my best to Simba for a speedy recovery! You big sap! LOL (Cheer up, Lori!)