Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hangin' in...

One more day...just gotta make it through one more day and then weekend bliss! :-) Due to Mr. Simba being sick and the fact that I need some ME time, I am going to be home this weekend while Kevin goes out of town for a golf tournament. First thing I am going to do is clean house, and then I am going to enjoy having a clean house all weekend. woo-hoo! I am going to sleep in! And, I am not going to hear any crying (if you are crying about anything this weekend, DO NOT call me!). I have heard enough crying from one of my students this week to last a lifetime!! Jeez...I can't handle crying fits. I just can't muster up sympathy after so many times. It's bad! Think it's a good sign that it's only the 3rd week of school, and I am so looking forward to the weekend? LOL!

Hopefully, I will make it to see Autumn's new horse this weekend at some point. She is suppose to be gorgeous! I better make the most of this weekend because my Saturday class starts next week, and then my weekends are booked!



Steff said...

I did a cleaning yesterday too...felt good to have vacuum marks on the carpet and the scent of Comet in the bathroom.

I start dreaming about sleeping in along Wednesday morning and then start counting down. Haha!

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh. Too late?? Did I whine to you over the weekend Lori??? If I didn't, I'm sure I meant to!! heehee