Monday, October 01, 2007


Here are some updates on all the drama around here lately: (and just so you know, I only like OTHER people's drama ~ I prefer it stay away from my house! ha!)

*lawnmower drama - my cousin's hubby has repaired their mower. So, I am no longer responsible for the destruction of another person's property! ha! AND, the part came in for our mower today. Kevin will attempt to fix it tomorrow...more to come later!

*money issues - I still have not charged! Can I get a "yee-haw"? LOL! I got my retro-active paycheck today!!! That got me to even! AND, I have the money saved up to pay my property taxes on the 10th!!! I just need to save to fix the Jeep and the computer! Almost there!! (And then Christmas shopping will hit! ha!)

*mid-term - don't ask! I didn't do well, but life happens! I don't have the actual grade yet, but I was clueless on one of the essay questions!

*Kevin - is back on track & we are going to make a Celebrate Recovery meeting our date on Friday night!! He found a new meeting last night that he really liked ~ they only meet once a week, but at least he has that every Sunday night.

*computer - still broken, but I am using my school laptop. It is next on my list to repair!! Wish me luck!


Tasha said...

Glad to hear things are starting to come together...

PS Thanks for all the kind comments on my site, They really mean a lot!

Tan said...

My Yee-haw is just a bit late as I'm behind on blog reading, but all the same....YEE-HAW!