Sunday, October 07, 2007

Fundraisers, football, and together time...

Yesterday was a good day...I love a good Saturday! :-) First of all, Kevin & I have been on different schedules all week. One of the managers quit, and he had to close every night this week. So, he left for work at 2 in the afternoon & got home after I was in bed. Basically, we missed each other coming and going all week. So, Saturday was our day to finally spend together! And, I had him back at the grill! ha!We had a hot dog fundraiser for BoxAR, the boxer rescue group that I volunteer with in Arkansas. Remember all those hot dogs that were in my freezer? GONE! yippee! Granted, we didn't do as well as we thought we would (but it was a Razorback game day IN Little Rock, & we were in Cabot). But, we made about $125 more than we had! Plus, I sent all the leftover hot dogs to the kennel for the boxers to snack on! :-) I bet they were happy ~ I know Jax was when he got a few off the grill!
Above is one of the BoxAR board members - trying her best to get customers! She reminded me of the CiCi's Pizza people who stand outside the restaurant with the sign! ha!
And here is our table:
(Over to the right hand side is a basket of holiday collars that are handmade - actually by the board member above). I got one for Nala for Halloween ~ she ain't happy about it either! hee-hee!We took a long way home b/c we had the grill loaded in the back of the truck. Kevin and I love a good road trip!! Once we got home, Kevin had put some beans in the crockpot before we left. So, he made one of my favorite meals - beans and cornbread! Am I a southern girl or what? ha!
Then, we had to listen to the Razorback game on the radio b/c we couldn't find tickets to the game. Well, the radio was packed in the pop-up camper. So...another road trip to nowhere! Just us and the dog going nowhere listening to the game! ha!
Once we got home, we watched the new series Dirty, Sexy Money. (I had the pilot and first episode on the DVR) That show is AWESOME!! We both loved it! So....that is going to be my new show to pick up this year. I just don't feel the love for Private Practice (sorry). I think it's because I never really liked Addison on Grey's.
Ok...gotta run! My niece has a birthday party at 2 o'clock. pics tomorrow!


Steff said...

I like Private Practice, but my new favorite show is Big Shots. Which looks like it was written by a man for a man, but I think it's so good!

Hmmm a hot dog sounds good!

Tasha said...

Sounds like a nice weekend. Chris and I get on different schedules sometimes too because I work days and he works midnights...Its hard with the girls.

Lindsey said...

My mouth is watering!! What a great weekend.

Tan said...

This southern girl loves beans and cornbread!