Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My B.I.B.L.E.

Was that a Sunday school song when we were little?
Seriously, this goes to show how much things have changed for both Kevin and me in the past 5 months. I left my Bible at the ministry on Sunday (two hours away). And, it's a big deal to go without it for a week. I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I realized I had left it. I thought "What am I going to do? It has my notes and my daily bread in it. I can't go without it." Made me realize how much different things are now ... and I'm glad! :-)
On another note, it was my turn to host Bible Study tonight. And, it's over....whew! You know I'm not a cook, and I had to cook. But, I pulled it off (or they were just being polite - ha!). And, Jax behaved himself. He only tooted a couple of times. heehee!