Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Rock

These are some of my favorite pictures of Rocky! Had to share b/c so many of you have sent us well wishes, advice and kind words over the past few days. Rocky has had a rough week ~ that is for sure! (His mom & dad have too!) It is not fun seeing your beloved pet of 9 years suffering!

We still have to see what happens over next few days, but today he is able to get up on his own!! (A major improvement ~ especially since he is back at home with me & I can't lift him!!) He is also walking on his own ~ just VERY wobbly like he is really drunk! His hips do decide to give out on him occasionally, but he gets back up. His spirit & attitude are great ~ not one grumble with all the pain he is in! (He is much better than me!)

Keep sending him good doggie thoughts b/c he is my security blanket & I'm not ready to say good-bye just yet!


Anonymous said...

Rocky, hope your feeling better day by day and your mom too!