Monday, November 03, 2008

Skipping School

I stayed home from work today (shhhh!), but I had good reasons!! Honest! I needed to organize all my notes and make a study guide and start studying for my final on Saturday. I also had a doctor's appointment at 3...technically still could've gone to work if that were ALL I had on my plate today! :-)
The good news from today is that my advisor told me I needed one less class than I thought I did to graduate. So, after Saturday, I only have 3 to go. The bad news - only one of the ones I need is offered this summer! Bummer! So, it will still be next school year before my master's is finished! But, the end is SOOO close!
My doctor's appointment today made me feel really old. How does time fly so fast? How did I get to the age that the doctor tells me my chances of ever having a child are going to start dropping more and more each year now...that my chances of having a baby with downs start going up...and I need to start thinking about mammograms??? REALLY? When did I get old? Apparently at around age 35...hmmmm...Needless to say, I headed straight to Krispy Kreme after my appointment. Nothing like a hot donut and some Dr. Pepper to cheer me up! Well, that and a panicked phone to my BFF, Michelle that my time is running out, and I may never be a Mom. Thanks Michelle for calming right down!!! I need to send you a counseling fee! LOL!


Becca B. said...

We missed you at school today, hope you had a productive "skip" day. Don't worry about the aging stuff, remember, its all in God's hands, and His timing is always perfect.

Anonymous said...

I knew a lady who had a baby at age 48 and she did fine and the baby was perfectly healthy. I agree with Becca -- God has a plan! Now go get that mammogram!!

Lindsey said...

I agree with's all in his hands! It will happen:)